Saturday, June 12, 2010

Flatten Classroom Walls!!

This week I was reading through CoolCatTeacher's blog and I noticed an article about The Flat Classroom. It caught my attention right away and I was truly blown away!! What a concept, 'flattening' the classroom walls and linking classrooms from around the world virtually. This is an amazing idea, one that can breakdown stereotypes and culture biases and help students make the world a better place. By allowing students from around the world to work together, they can prepare themselves to solve the worlds problems, COLLABORATIVELY!! They use Web 2.0 tools such as Ning and Wikispaces to do projects. There are virtual meetings as well as face to face meetings. Those involved work as teams and use Skype and Elluminate to collaborate and work on research for their project. This is something I would consider doing with my class in the future. I would love to have my students interact with their peers in another country and research and potentially come up with a solution for one of the world's many problems!

For more information and the full article visit CoolCatTeacher's blog!

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