Thursday, June 3, 2010

Standards, Shmandards

I believe the NETS-S standard that is best implemented in schools today is Standard 3- Research and Information Fluency. I do not see much of the other Standards being implemented, unless it is a special project. Almost every student does a research paper or project every year starting at least in middle school. I have witnessed student's searching the internet for resources, however they do not know how to do 'smart' research. They pick any website to take information from, never questioning the validity of the source.

I do not feel secure in my readiness to meet the NETS-S standards. I believe the curriculum (Social Studies) that I want to teach is too rigid to allow for extensive and immersive technologies.


  1. Jennifer
    I like your consistency about writing something thoughtful and different every day in your blog!

  2. I agree Jen that standard 3 is the most used out of all the standards, probably because it is the easiest to implement since students today mostly use the internet to research.
