Sunday, June 6, 2010

21st Century Learners! WOW!

The two videos we had to watch this week, 'The Voice of the Net Generation' and 'Welcome to my PLE' were eye-opening! I was touched by the first video, because I want to be the teacher that engages students and finds ways for them to enjoy school and learning. Too many teachers do not know how to use technology, therefore they do no try to learn and help their students. I hope that school districts continue to make strides towards more digital learning, or at least require that their teachers know basics. I know in my own districts there are many low SES students that do not have opportunities outside of school to use technology, and they need to learn to be able to participate in the global world we live in!

The second video was amazing! I was amazed that a 7th grader could be that articulate and organized! I was amazed that a teacher would think to basically conduct the class online, since my district does not have enough money to ensure all students have fair access to the internet and computers. I would love to conduct a class in a similar fashion, if I was able to have the resources.

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer,
    I was amazed at the video of the seventh grader as well. She talked more fluently about technology than most adults are able to do. Her teacher needs to teach courses to help other teachers develop their lessons to create a learning environment like the one she created for her students. I was so impressed.

    As you mentioned the problem right now is having the appropriate resources to conduct a class in this manner. A lot of schools don't have enough computers or laptops to have one teacher, let alone many teachers, conduct their classes in this manner. There's a lot of grant money out there to get more computers and Smart Boards in schools. Hopefully soon we'll be at a point where we can have the resources that are necessary to teach like this student's teacher.
